Label: "consumer price index"

November 15, 2023 15:35

What is Hungary facing in the next two years?

New forecast lands

gyártás hegesztés
November 15, 2023 06:05

Hungary is going down a risky path - Are they blowing yet another inflation bubble?

Péter Ákos Bod: What could a high-pressure economy bring?

November 13, 2023 08:29

Is the recession in Hungary finally over? This week we find out

We'll alsohave a look at where Hungarian GDP ranks in the EU, but we won't be bored this week anyway

November 10, 2023 11:20

Here's the Hungarian central bank's take on single-digit inflation

Price pressure is low in the economy

November 10, 2023 09:20

Single-digit inflation finally arrives in Hungary

The breakthrough came sooner than expected

bolt üzlet infláció vásárlás
November 09, 2023 10:15

Hungarian gov't may put the champagne on ice, as key goal is now within reach

Single-digit inflation around the corner

virág barnabás mnb
November 08, 2023 13:31

Hungary's central bank had one shot, and it hit the bull's eye - Deputy Governor

MNB averted an currency crisis last year - Barnabás Virág says

October 30, 2023 08:23

Barrage of data releases, key events this week, with a single day off

Will Europe's economy emerge from the doldrums? Is the U.S. economy finally cooling down? Key questions to be answered.

virág barnabás mnb bef
October 24, 2023 15:31

Inflation is no game, we can't sit back - Hungarian rate-setter warns

Central bank cuts more than expected

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar kereset fizetés
October 20, 2023 15:00

Sad news for Hungarian workers: wage boom is not exactly around the corner

Decelerating inflation does not create land of honey and milk

kiskereskedelem tej vásárlás bolt üzlet infláció
October 18, 2023 15:07

Inflation in retreat in Hungary, but remains more than double of EU average

Hungarian CPI in regional comparison

készpénz forint húszezres bankjegy érme mnb jegybank magyar pénz cash
October 10, 2023 10:50

Rate of disinflation accelerates in Hungary - central bank

MNB shares some good news about consumer prices

bolt élelmiszerbolt kassza pos-terminál bankkártya áruházlánc multi kisker készpénzfelvétel
October 10, 2023 09:07

Hungary inflation falls sharply in September

Food prices fell, while that of other articles still increased year-on-year

thermostat radiátor rezsi fűtés
October 09, 2023 10:35

Hungary inflation could have dropped to around 12% in September - survey

Central bank keeps close eye on data

September 28, 2023 12:09

Hungary pays an average half-monthly pension supplement - Orbán

Government decision reached

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
September 25, 2023 08:55

Hungary gross average wage HUF 560,000 in July

Wage growth diminishes

bolt infláció kosár vásárlás
September 19, 2023 14:54

Hungary's inflation remains the highest in the European Union

In August, but it stands out a bit less now

mnb jegybank
September 08, 2023 11:33

Hungary central bank inflation indicators confirm easing

Core inflation drops too

nyugdíjas infláció vásárlás
September 08, 2023 09:00

Hungary's inflation has fallen further but could disappoint many

A mixed bag of figures

Csak úgy röpködnek a hozamok, lesz mire pezsgőt bontani az év végén?
September 07, 2023 10:30

Pressure on Hungarian consumers eases further, but it's too soon to paint the town red

Inflation expected to show further retreat